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Launch of Health Canada's Front-of-Package Regulatory Consultations

19 Feb 2018 9:16 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

FYI. From Health Canada:

Dear Interested Canadians and Stakeholders,

Health Canada launched the Healthy Eating Strategy for Canada on October 24, 2016. The goal of the Healthy Eating Strategy is to create a food environment where the healthier choice is the easier choice. Chronic diseases are a major public health concern in Canada. Unhealthy diets high in saturated fat, sugars and sodium are one of the top risk factors for obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Health Canada is proposing to introduce mandatory front-of-package labelling for foods that are high in nutrients of public health concern, namely saturated fat, sugars and/or sodium. Front-of-package labelling will provide quick and easy guidance to help you make informed choices about packaged foods and help improve the nutritional quality of packaged foods available in the marketplace.

Health Canada is launching a consultation on front-of-package labelling. The official Canada Gazette, Part I consultation will take place from February 10 to April 26, 2018. Please note that the Canada Gazette is available online on Friday at 2 p.m. Eastern time, ahead of its publication on Saturday.

Since we want to hear from as many Canadians as possible, we have also created a short, consumer-friendly online consultation for you to tell us which front-of-package nutrition symbol you find useful. This consultation is open today until April 26, 2018.

Your responses will help guide the choice of a nutrition symbol for the front of food packages in Canada. We invite you to participate in both front-of-package labelling consultations and to spread the news about the consultations to your family, friends and colleagues.

Health Canada will be holding a one hour webinar on March 1, 2018 that will provide a technical overview of the Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (Nutrition Symbols, Other Labelling Provisions, Partially Hydrogenated Oils and Vitamin D) posted in Canada Gazette Part I on February 10, 2018.

We invite you to send us any questions you may have about the regulatory package by  February 22, 2018. We will use your questions to inform the webinar content. Please submit your questions to:

Invitations to the webinar are forthcoming.

Thank you.
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